KEYWORDS: Mastery, power, mind over matter.

Mercury, the legendary “messenger of the gods,” is the astrological ruler of this card. The concept of a messenger or transmitter is actually how the Sorceress operates: the divine energy flows through her. She represents the distinction of consciousness–the Magician in other decks.

Anyone working with magic or healing realizes above all that it is not through the force of the personal ego that this work is accomplished; rather it works by allowing oneself to be a vehicle for the higher universal energies to manifest through.

Since the planet Mercury’s energies influence the intellect, the concept of “mind over matter” is a significant aspect of this card. In this process, one allows the attuned will to create and define circumstances, rather than being limited by them.

The image of the Sorceress is one of an androgynous woman, with the left hand reaching out to contact divine energy, directing it earthward toward its many manifestations. This symbolizes the occult axiom, “as above, so below.”

Many cultures have the Sorceress as the active manipulator of energies. She can be a shape-shifter, an adept at utilizing powerful earth energies, energies of the four elements as well as the planets. As she thinks, so it will be. The distance between thought and manifestation is brief in the world of the Sorceress.

The Sorceress’s left hand dissolves into the globe of white light, as the ego dissolves when this work is properly done. Suspended in mid-air are the tools of the trade (as well as the symbols for the 4 suits): wand, cup, pentacle and sword. This being is truly an adept, using the power of the mind and will to control matter.

To the left of the figure looms the Great Pyramid, to the right, Stonehenge–which was an ancient observatory as well as a temple. These masterworks in honor of the Wise Ones were erected from extraordinary monoliths. Ancient magicians and healers utilized sound and specific chords to move gigantic stones miles from their quarries and raise them many feet off the ground. The world-renown structures they created have stood the test of time as sacred sites where miracles could and did take place; indeed, esoteric phenomena continue to this day to be experienced by initiates called on pilgrimage to these sites.

The Great Pyramid was not simply a very elaborate tomb; it obviously played an important role in the mysteries and initiations practiced by the ancient Egyptians. Apart from its manifestation on the physical plain, the pyramid as a triangle is one of the most ancient symbols for female energy. The triangular image which remains is only the patriarchal version, however. Originally, the symbol also contained a hollow sphere in the center, representing the womb – the core of woman’s power. In essence, the patriarchs performed a radical hysterectomy on this potent image, severing woman symbolically from her power source. With the design on the backs of these cards we restore her womb impregnated with power potential.

The Sorceress wears a headband adorned with the astrological symbol for Mercury, as well as a golden pendant around her neck. Perched on her shoulders is a hawk, ready in an instant to relay her messages, as our animal familiars so often do.

She is dressed in a simple, beautiful white silk robe with the golden snake of infinity girding her waist. White silk has the purest vibration of any fabric and is therefore a most suitable fabric for magical work.

Energy comes streaming out of the Sorceress’ other hand, charging the earth with fire, one of the first great mysteries. We also see representations of the animal, mineral, and vegetable kingdoms, all of which respond and are attuned to the divine energy for life and healing.

I chose the Cheetah to be one of her totem animals for its lightning-swift speed; white lilies as the flowers sacred to the planet Mercury, and the clear quartz crystal because of its unequalled power as a transmitter for energy. The Atlantians used a huge submerged crystal as a generator for their main source of power. (We might do well to re-discover that secret, given our dwindling energy resources.)

Hopefully, the image of the Sorceress will evoke in each of you a sense of empowerment. You can become a creative agent for shaping your own lives as well as being a channel for universal energies, and for aiding the evolution of our planet.

When you receive this card, it is a reminder that you are the creator of your own universe and thus have the ability to create the world and life of your choice. Remember to use all your tools. You are magic!