About the Creator

Flash Silvermoon created The Wise Woman’s Tarot, which was published in 2002.  She passed away in December of 2017, and a cache of well-preserved, unsold decks and books was made available for distribution in early 2020.  The Wise Woman’s Tarot is now out of print, and these rare decks are a collector’s item.

Flash was a mover and shaker in the Women’s Spirituality Movement since the early 1970s, and she stirred the collective cauldron at every available opportunity. Being a double Pisces with a Cancer rising, she was drawn to metaphysical study at an early age, “drafted by the cosmos,” as she put it. Organized religion was never her cup of tea. Flash’s anarchistic spirit and compassionate conscience led her into movement work: the peace movement, the civil rights movement, the women’s movement, lesbian and gay rights activism, anti-nuclear organizing, animal rights initiatives and more. In short, if it was moving to guarantee rights and redress wrongs, she was there. The women’s spirituality movement was a perfect fusion for her spiritual and political leanings.

In 1975 Flash moved from New York City to Melrose, Florida, where she served the Gainesville community and surrounding areas for over four decades. The beauty of the country with its peaceful atmosphere was her haven, enabling her to create, write, and dive more deeply into her spiritual work. Her practice, which she called transformational counseling, included Tarot readings, psychic readings, astrology, past life regression, stone healing, gem elixirs, flower essence therapy, animal communication, and women’s magic and ritual. She created her own gem elixirs and gemstone “power tools” for healing, and she authored The Wise Woman’s Tarot at the urging of her many students.

For ten years, Flash wrote the astrological section for Of a Like Mind, an international women’s spiritual newspaper. Her work has been widely published in local and national metaphysical and feminist periodicals. In addition, she was a featured psychic on several local call-in radio shows. She also contributed generously of her time and talents to fundraisers for many causes. In 1990 and several times thereafter, Flash was inspired to organize “Womanspirit Rising.” With three other priestesses of different traditions, she created a circle of over 350 spiritual women to honor all the ancient mothers and elevate planetary energy.

As a true shaman, Flash blended her spiritual life with her creative life. She was a professional musician for over 35 years. The music and the magic dove-tailed into several tapes and CDs, some for meditation and relaxation, others “to get your groove on and rock the house.”

Flash also did extensive healing work with animals. “It’s been refreshing to spend more time communicating with the four-leggeds. They are my teachers and I love them dearly,” she said.